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Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
You have to be honest... The LFS community is really not in it's best shape and yea it's because of the patch delay. People lost motivation because they are waiting for the patch...
Just compare the 16Hours one year ago and this year (97 cars in 2008, 77 in 2009)
But when the patch will come with New Physics, New interiors (probably), Scirocco, Another new car and Rockingham, the LFS community will grow again
That's just how LFS works
Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
The Second one is just... EPIC
Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
Ah sorry didn't get it ^^
Yea wee need Nascar cars too... As we are going to have a new oval it would be possible
Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
Quote from crashgate3 :awesome stuff...

Last edited by Sir moi 407, .
Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :My bid is on it being a stock car unless it is a real car.

Hope not
11/21 stock cars for a racing game, enough.
We need... LMP
Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :cuba does not have a good healthcare system.

Quote from Becky Rose :mhmm Cuba has good healthcare given it's tiny size and backward technology, it ranks higher than America on the WHO rankings, and is a social healthcare system.

Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I guess the host should stay at the top of the list...

Yes but maybe, if it is really easy to do, a darker background so we can see that it is the host?
Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
Quote from CSF :Simply people will choose the fastest car for the balancing.

Quote from Tomhah :exactly. You cant say that the XRR is bad, simply because of results, when 1/20 of the teams uses XRR.

Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
I don't know what testing you did... In fact we don't even need tests to proove that 25% isn't fair.
Only thing you need is to take a look at past MOE and GTAL season... Lots of races that proove that FZR has an unfair advantage.
Can you realldy deny this? I'm curious to know why do you think there was no XRR at all the last MOE season? If people didn't like the XRR, then why there are so much in GT1 this MOE season?
Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
Scawen from the Scavier team has my vote for sure!

Also Eric from the Scavier team, he is very talented!!

And Victor from the Scavier team, he is always offering great help to everyone!

And don't anyone dare to call me fan boy
Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
Quote from Tomhah :4 our of 7, yes. But that doesnt change the fact that XRR takes shorter pit-stops, does it?

Ok let's be clear, you gain 3 secs in pits with XRR, that means 6 secs in the race. You can use R2/R2 in FZR if you are smooth... just like the XRR so this ain't an advatage/disadvantage.
You will never see XRR domination for 1%. Even if the XRR was a little bit faster with 24%, that wouldn't be a problem because:
- It can flip really easily compared to the FZR
- It can be stuck in sand

The perfect balance doesn't exist, but when you look at MOE you see that 25% is far too much for XRR.
Just compair GT1 (with a good balance) and GT2 (with a bad balance).
Yes, MOE GT2 balances ARE actualy bad.
These are facts that nobody can deny...
Last edited by Sir moi 407, .
Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Trust me, it's too fast at 24%.

Trust me, it isn't, at all.
It will be faster in some tracks, slower on other tracks.
Faster in WE, slower in SO. That's how it should be...

EDIT: And just so you know I'm not saying this for me but for the championship, E-Team is probably going to drive the FZR again.
Last edited by Sir moi 407, .
Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
Quote from Tomhah :look at the drivers :P

True, only the XRR-lovers (Core Racing ) took the XRR... Nobody wants it with 25%, it's too slow ^^
Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
Look at MOE.
Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
We have seen enough races to know that with 25% the XRR is clearly worse than FZR (GTAL 2009 and MOE 2009)
I mean... you just can't deny this! The XRR can flip, has turbo lag, worse COG...
Tires are a big problem with the GT2 version of this car too... On the tracks like AS4 you CAN put R2 but you have to be very careful if you want to. I'm not even talking about other tracks like WE1 or FE4 where doing a race with R2 is nearly impossible do you have to put R3 with a very low pressure which is bad in the straights...
Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
A fictional LMP2 would be nice for endurance racing
Having 2 different LMPs would be even better
Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
Seems like the laser costed alot of money and now you need some
When it comes out, I will buy it as fast as I can
Even if you don't promise anything, we all know you're going to make lots of good stuff for S3 later
I'm soooo curious about the new car... What can it be? Let's hope for an LMP race car
Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
Scirocco + Another car + Rockingham + New tyre physics ...
Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :I don't get this.. (maybe cause i slept like 3 hours)... can someone clarify?

Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
Quote from boothy :Oh noes, someone thought your video was crap, boo hoo. If you want kind words show it to your family, I'm sure they will think it's lovely.

You can be civilisated and tell your opinion... Just look at pacesetter and Greybull posts
So you don't understand why you would need to be polite to somebody you don't know from anywhere?
I'm sure you understand! But you all forget that when you are behind your PC...
Last edited by Sir moi 407, .
Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
I don't really think the music is the problem...
In my opinion you can do a video with nearly every music as long as it fits
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :I couldn't agree more with that, you have a good potential, but you ruined it here with some very bad choices(font, AIs), that couldn't really make you credible. But at least you tried to produce something, and I do think that you could improve yourself nicely once you'll be experimented, so keep it up, and don't take the bad critisms too seriously otherwise you'll be deprimed very soon

Thanks for your opinion
So in your opinion the problems are:
- The color effects
- The font
- The fact that there are AIs driving

It's not my first video at all... I did alot of videos before and people here seemed to like it.
I thought people would like it because when I asked a few opinions outside this forum, some people told me it was my best one

Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Welcome to the internet, a world where being polite remains optional

Yea but I thought that respected drivers from respected teams would be more... respectful... Seems like I was wrong
Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
That's just not the way to say you don't like the music...
You know cou can be a bite more civilisated "I didn't like the music" or "The music didn't fit with the video".
I want opinions, not trolls
Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
I don't have any problem with constructive criticism
Thank you pacesetter for your comment!
It would be interesting to see what other people say
Because well... When I did it I thought it was my best footage and now I see that nobody likes it here

If you could be a bit more constructive...
Sir moi 407
S2 licensed
Is it really so crappy?